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Posted Schedules

DateAway TeamHome TeamTimeLocation/Field
09/08/2024Snappers (1st Grade)Hammerheads (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Yellow Field 1
09/08/2024Honey Badgers (1st Grade)Scorpions (1st grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Red Field 1
09/08/2024Mambas (1st grade)Dartfrogs (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Green Field 1
09/08/2024Hyenas (1st grade)Crawdads (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Blue Field 1
09/15/2024Crawdads (1st Grade)Mambas (1st grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Yellow Field 1
09/15/2024Hammerheads (1st Grade)Honey Badgers (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Red Field 1
09/15/2024Dartfrogs (1st Grade)Snappers (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Green Field 1
09/15/2024Scorpions (1st grade)Hyenas (1st grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Blue Field 1
09/22/2024Scorpions (1st grade)Crawdads (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Yellow Field 1
09/22/2024Honey Badgers (1st Grade)Dartfrogs (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Red Field 1
09/22/2024Hyenas (1st grade)Hammerheads (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Green Field 1
09/22/2024Snappers (1st Grade)Mambas (1st grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Blue Field 1
09/29/2024Crawdads (1st Grade)Snappers (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Yellow Field 1
09/29/2024Dartfrogs (1st Grade)Hyenas (1st grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Red Field 1
09/29/2024Mambas (1st grade)Honey Badgers (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Green Field 1
09/29/2024Hammerheads (1st Grade)Scorpions (1st grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Blue Field 1
10/06/2024Hammerheads (1st Grade)Crawdads (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Yellow Field 1
10/06/2024Hyenas (1st grade)Mambas (1st grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Red Field 1
10/06/2024Scorpions (1st grade)Dartfrogs (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Green Field 1
10/06/2024Honey Badgers (1st Grade)Snappers (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Blue Field 1
10/13/2024Crawdads (1st Grade)Honey Badgers (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Yellow Field 1
10/13/2024Mambas (1st grade)Scorpions (1st grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Red Field 1
10/13/2024Snappers (1st Grade)Hyenas (1st grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Green Field 1
10/13/2024Dartfrogs (1st Grade)Hammerheads (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Blue Field 1
10/20/2024Dartfrogs (1st Grade)Crawdads (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Yellow Field 1
10/20/2024Scorpions (1st grade)Snappers (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Red Field 1
10/20/2024Hammerheads (1st Grade)Mambas (1st grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Green Field 1
10/20/2024Hyenas (1st grade)Honey Badgers (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Blue Field 1
10/27/2024Honey Badgers (1st Grade)Crawdads (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Yellow Field 1
10/27/2024Scorpions (1st grade)Hammerheads (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Red Field 1
10/27/2024Hyenas (1st grade)Dartfrogs (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Green Field 1
10/27/2024Mambas (1st grade)Snappers (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Blue Field 1
11/03/2024Hyenas (1st grade)Mambas (1st grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Yellow Field 1
11/03/2024Snappers (1st Grade)Dartfrogs (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Red Field 1
11/03/2024Honey Badgers (1st Grade)Scorpions (1st grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Green Field 1
11/03/2024Hammerheads (1st Grade)Crawdads (1st Grade) 9:00AM - 10:30AMCollege Park High School / Football Stadium: Blue Field 1

Note: Highlighted Team(s) belong to Divisions expired before specified Match Date.



1839 Ygnacio Valley Road, #157
Walnut Creek, California 94598
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